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Travel Guide To Paris

  • France
  • Paris
  • 105.4 km²
  • 11°C, Wind
  • Mon 12:19 am
  • Euro
  • French
  • 2.211 million
  • Always enjoyed my stay with Hilton Hotel and Resorts, top class room service and rooms have great outside views and luxury assessories. Thanks for great experience.

    Jessica Brown
  • Always enjoyed my stay with Hilton Hotel and Resorts, top class room service and rooms have great outside views and luxury assessories. Thanks for great experience.

    Lisa Kimberly
  • Always enjoyed my stay with Hilton Hotel and Resorts, top class room service and rooms have great outside views and luxury assessories. Thanks for great experience.


General Information About Paris

Sed aliquam nunc eget velit imperdiet, in rutrum mauris malesuada. Quisque ullamcorper vulputate nisi, et fringilla ante convallis quis. Nullam vel tellus non elit suscipit volutpat. Integer id felis et nibh rutrum dignissim ut non risus. In tincidunt urna quis sem luctus, sed accumsan magna pellentesque. Donec et iaculis tellus. Vestibulum ut iaculis justo, auctor sodales lectus. Donec et tellus tempus, dignissim maurornare, consequat lacus. Integer dui neque, scelerisque nec sollicitudin sit amet, sodales a erat. Duis vitae condimentum ligula. Integer eu mi nisl. Donec massa dui, commodo id arcu quis, venenatis scelerisque velit. Praesent eros turpis, commodo vel justo at, pulvinar mollis eros. Mauris aliquet eu quam id ornare. Morbi ac quam enim. Cras vitae nulla condimentum, semper dolor non, faucibus dolor. Vivamus adipiscing eros quis orci fringilla, sed pretium lectus viverra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec nec velit non odio aliquam suscipit. Sed non neque faucibus, condimentum lectus at, accumsan enim. Fusce pretium egestas cursus. Etiam consectetur, orci vel rutrum volutpat, odio odio pretium nisiodo tellus libero et urna. Sed commodo ipsum ligula, id volutpat risus vehicula in. Pellentesque non massa eu nibh posuere bibendum non sed enim. Maecenas lobortis nulla sem, vel egestas dui ullamcorper ac. Sed scelerisque lectus sit amet faucibus sodales. Proin ut risus tortor. Etiam fermentum tellus auctor, fringilla sapien et, congue quam. In a luctus tortor. Suspendisse eget tempor libero, ut sollicitudin ligula. Nulla vulputate tincidunt est non congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus at est imperdiet, dapibus ipsum vel, lacinia nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus id interdum lectus, ut elementum elit. Nullam a molestie magna. Praesent eros turpis, commodo vel justo at, pulvinar mollis eros. Mauris aliquet eu quam id ornare. Morbi ac quam enim. Cras vitae nulla condimentum, semper dolor non, faucibus dolor. Vivamus adipiscing eros quis orci fringilla, sed pretium lectus viverra.

Sports Played in Paris

Maecenas vitae turpis condimentum metus tincidunt semper bibendum ut orci. Donec eget accumsan est. Duis laoreet sagittis elit et vehicula. Cras viverra posuere condimentum.

About Basketball Game

Sed aliquam nunc eget velit imperdiet, in rutrum mauris malesuada. Quisque ullamcorper vulputate nisi, et fringilla ante convallis quis. Nullam vel tellus non elit suscipit volutpat. Integer id felis et nibh rutrum dignissim ut non risus. In tincidunt urna quis sem luctus, sed accumsan magna pellentesque. Donec et iaculis tellus. Vestibulum ut iaculis justo, auctor sodales lectus. Donec et tellus tempus, dignissim maurornare, consequat lacus. Integer dui neque, scelerisque nec sollicitudin sit amet, sodales a erat. Duis vitae condimentum ligula. Integer eu mi nisl. Donec massa dui, commodo id arcu quis, venenatis scelerisque velit. Praesent eros turpis, commodo vel justo at, pulvinar mollis eros. Mauris aliquet eu quam id ornare. Morbi ac quam enim. Cras vitae nulla condimentum, semper dolor non, faucibus dolor. Vivamus adipiscing eros quis orci fringilla, sed pretium lectus viverra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec nec velit non odio aliquam suscipit. Sed non neque faucibus, condimentum lectus at, accumsan enim. Fusce pretium egestas cursus. Etiam consectetur, orci vel rutrum volutpat, odio odio pretium nisiodo tellus libero et urna. Sed commodo ipsum ligula, id volutpat risus vehicula in. Pellentesque non massa eu nibh posuere bibendum non sed enim. Maecenas lobortis nulla sem, vel egestas dui ullamcorper ac. Sed scelerisque lectus sit amet faucibus sodales. Proin ut risus tortor. Etiam fermentum tellus auctor, fringilla sapien et, congue quam. In a luctus tortor. Suspendisse eget tempor libero, ut sollicitudin ligula. Nulla vulputate tincidunt est non congue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus at est imperdiet, dapibus ipsum vel, lacinia nulla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus id interdum lectus, ut elementum elit.

Paris Culture and History



Sed aliquam nunc eget velit imperdiet, in rutrum mauris malesuada. Quisque ullamcorper vulputate nisi, et fringilla ante convallis quis. Nullam vel tellus non elit suscipit volutpat. Integer id felis et nibh rutrum dignissim ut non risus. In tincidunt urna quis sem luctus, sed accumsan magna pellentesque. Donec et iaculis tellus. Vestibulum ut iaculis justo, auctor sodales lectus. Donec et tellus tempus, dignissim maurornare, consequat lacus. Integer dui neque, scelerisque.


Sed aliquam nunc eget velit imperdiet, in rutrum mauris malesuada. Quisque ullamcorper vulputate nisi, et fringilla ante convallis quis. Nullam vel tellus non elit suscipit volutpat. Integer id felis et nibh rutrum dignissim ut non risus. In tincidunt urna quis sem luctus, sed accumsan magna pellentesque. Donec et iaculis tellus. Vestibulum ut iaculis justo, auctor sodales lectus. Donec et tellus tempus, dignissim maurornare, consequat lacus. Integer dui neque, scelerisque.


Sed aliquam nunc eget velit imperdiet, in rutrum mauris malesuada. Quisque ullamcorper vulputate nisi, et fringilla ante convallis quis. Nullam vel tellus non elit suscipit volutpat. Integer id felis et nibh rutrum dignissim ut non risus. In tincidunt urna quis sem luctus, sed accumsan magna pellentesque. Donec et iaculis tellus. Vestibulum ut iaculis justo, auctor sodales lectus. Donec et tellus tempus, dignissim maurornare, consequat lacus. Integer dui neque, scelerisque.

Paris Nightlife

Sed aliquam nunc eget velit imperdiet, in rutrum mauris malesuada. Quisque ullamcorper vulputate nisi, et fringilla ante convallis quis. Nullam vel tellus non elit suscipit volutpat. Integer id felis et nibh rutrum dignissim ut non risus. In tincidunt urna quis sem luctus, sed accumsan magna pellentesque. Donec et iaculis tellus. Vestibulum ut iaculis justo, auctor sodales lectus. Donec et tellus tempus, dignissim maurornare, consequat lacus. Integer dui neque, scelerisque nec sollicitudin sit amet, sodales a erat. Duis vitae condimentum ligula. Integer eu mi nisl. Donec massa dui, commodo id arcu quis, venenatis scelerisque velit.

Popular Bars in Paris

L’Open Café
17, Rue des Archives - 75004 Paris Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 72 26 18
Bliss Kfé
30, Rue du Roi de Sicile - 75004 Paris Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 78 49 36
L’Oiseau bariolé
16, Rue Sainte Croix Bretonnerie - 75004 Paris Tel. : +33 (0) 6 10 38 46 51
Le Cox
15, Rue des Archives - 75004 Paris Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 72 26 18

Famous Clubs in Paris

65-67, Rue Pierre Charron - 75008 Paris Tel. : +33 (0) 1 58 56 20 50
VIP room
76, Avenue des Champs-Elysées - 75008 Paris Tel. : +33 (0) 1 56 69 16 66
Le Baron
6, Avenue Marceau - 75008 Paris Tel. : +33 (0) 1 47 20 04 01
Le Latina Café
114, Avenue des Champs Elysées- 75008 Paris Tel. : +33 (0) 1 42 89 98 89

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Residencia Pacifico Hotel
Guanacaste Costa Rica

0 reviews

The Pacific Residence is nestled amidst beautiful gardens that blend in with the surrounding habitat; Pacific Residence provides the perfect setting for a relaxing getaway. With access to a private beach, the residence presents guests with the local tropical environment at its very best. The pool at Pacific Residence is ideal for enjoying the warm temperatures and a panoramic ocean view.

avg/night$1300.00 SELECT

Pacuare Jungle Lodge
Cartago Costa Rica

0 reviews

Pacuare Lodge is a luxurious nature and adventure lover’s paradise hidden away in the heart of Costa Rica’s most pristine jungle. Best accessed by white water raft, it combines thrilling adventure activities and an abundance of wildlife, considered by many to be one of the most beautiful and exciting stretches of white water anywhere (class 3-4 rapids) Activities at the lodge include white water rafting, kayaking, canoeing, bird watching, canopy tours, hiking and horseback riding.

avg/night$1171.00 SELECT

La Paloma Lodge
Puntarenas Costa Rica

0 reviews

La Paloma Lodge sits atop a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean and backed by the lush tropical jungle. The property is located on 14- acres; just a short walk from the cool waters of Agujitas River and secluded black-sand beaches. Explore Corcovado National Park, snorkel in the clear waters of Caño Island and indulge in all that our tropical paradise has to offer.

avg/night$1050.00 SELECT

Drake Bay Wilderness Resort
Puntarenas Costa Rica

0 reviews

Drake Bay Wilderness Resort is located on the Osa Peninsula, along Costa Rica's southern Pacific coast; Drake Bay Wilderness Resort enjoys a remote, pristine setting, while remaining easily accessible from San José. The hotel has a beautiful bar with a gorgeous view of the bay and mountains. We also it has a swimming pool next to the beach to relax and enjoy the sun.

avg/night$923.00 SELECT

Aguila de Osa Inn
Puntarenas Costa Rica

0 reviews

The Peninsula de Osa reaches out into the Pacific Ocean from southwestern Costa Rica and is described by National Geographic as "the most biologically intense place on earth". Archaeologists and Ethno-Historians have yet to unravel the mysterious past of this region. Nestled on Drake Bay in the secluded Osa Peninsula, Aguila de Osa Inn, is the area's most luxurious resort. Construction blends in magnificently with natural surroundings, with bamboo, porches, lots of vegetation and intimate atmosphere.

avg/night$730.00 SELECT

Punta Marenco Hotel
Puntarenas Costa Rica

0 reviews

Punta Marenco Hotel is located 2 miles south of Drake Bay, inside the Punta Rio Claro National Wildlife Refuge, beach front private Bungalows with ocean view. You can find many activities such as tours to Corcovado and Caño Island, Bird watching Whale watching, snorkeling, swimming, horseback riding and more.

avg/night$600.00 SELECT

Dreams Las Mareas Hotel
Guanacaste Costa Rica

0 reviews

Dreams Las Mareas Costa Rica is an all-inclusive resort, for couples, friends, and families. The Resort is nestled in Playa El Jobo in the Guanacaste region of Costa Rica, guests of all ages enjoy an action–packed vacation featuring watersports, land activities, and swimming pools while sunbathing or laying under a thatched palapa. Continue the fun into the evenings with live nightly entertainment, outdoor bars and lounges and so much more!

avg/night$600.00 SELECT

Rancho Corcovado Hotel
Puntarenas Costa Rica

0 reviews

Rancho Corcovado, located on the Osa Península in the southwest coast of Costa Rica is the ideal site to combine relaxation and adventure, in a pure and natural setting. The hotel is near Corcovado National Park, known worldwide as the most biologically intense place on the planet, according to National Geographic. Additionally near the hotel location is the Caño Island Biological Reserve, especially for water sports.

avg/night$594.00 SELECT

Selva Bananito Lodge Hotel
Limón Costa Rica

0 reviews

The Eco Lodge Selva Bananito, is today an extraordinary example for ecotourism, nestled in a pristine region of Costa Rica’s Caribbean area, the Talamanca Mountains. It is a secluded rain forest lodge situated 20 km south and 15 km inland of Puerto Limón on the Atlantic side of Costa Rica.

avg/night$540.00 SELECT

The Springs Resort and Spa Hotel
Alajuela Costa Rica

0 reviews

The resort perches one thousand feet above the Arenal Valley on a mountain ridge just six kilometers north of the active volcano but safely outside the government declared danger zone. A World Class Luxury Resort featuring Spectacular Hot Springs, Picture Perfect Views of the Arenal Volcano from every guest room and Four Restaurants including the famous Ginger Sushi Bar and Las Ventanas fine dining. Enjoy 28 mineral laden, artesian Hot Springs and 14,000 square foot Spa and Fitness Center. All of amenities make The Springs Luxury Resort & Spa a great destination for Costa Rica vacations, weddings, or a honeymoon. 27,000 square feet of event, convention and meeting space have also made the leading Costa Rica conference hotel.

avg/night$525.00 SELECT

Peace Lodge Hotel
Alajuela Costa Rica

0 reviews

The Peace lodge is located on the grounds of La Paz Waterfall Gardens Nature Park just one hour from the San José International Airport; the award winning Peace Lodge introduces its guests to a symphony of purely Costa Rican experiences celebrating the natural wonders of the rain forest and the splendid creatures that inhabit this magical environment. The ultra-upscale accommodations are uniquely themed to complement the inherent beauty of its rain and cloud forest setting and the detailed architecture exudes a natural elegance and sophistication with every room boasting a Jacuzzi tub and stone fireplace along with showers that transform into waterfalls with the turn of a knob. Picture perfect views of the La Paz River Valley and the towering Poás Volcano complete the experience.

avg/night$510.00 SELECT

Gaia Hotel
Puntarenas Costa Rica

0 reviews

Gaia Hotel achieves an ideal blend of modern amenities and natural scenery. Nestled in the magnificent coastal forests of Costa Rica, the hotel’s well-appointed, terraced suites and villas offer views of lush and pristine wild surroundings that are beyond compare.

avg/night$435.00 SELECT

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